Wednesday, October 30, 2019

An event that involving an ASL experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

An event that involving an ASL experience - Essay Example We noticed 4 to 5 other people who were also signing in for different presentations which were also offering ASL interpretation services. We proceeded to the counter where we found a lady doing the registration of the people who had come to attend the various presentations. We made ourselves known to her and also informed her that we had emailed a lady by the name Deanna earlier to inform her about our attendance of a presentation that was also offering ASL interpretation services (Sternberg 12). Amazingly, it so happened that the lady we were talking with was the same lady we had emailed. Deanne informed us that there was an organic beauty product presentation that was going on in theatre B and she directed us to the place using ASL since the venue of the whole event was fairly large and there were a number of activities going on simultaneously. Initially as she was directing us she was too fast and we had a problem following up but luckily another user of ASL noticed that we were not keeping pace with Deanne and asked her to slow down. It is then that she realized she was a little bit too fast for us and apologized that she forgot we were ASL students. She continued to direct us slowly and we understood what she said. We afterwards headed to theatre B as we had been directed and found that the presentation had just begun. We noticed 2 interpreters and about 4 to 5 deaf people who attended the same presentation. I found myself learning a lot of vocabularies some of which are, strawberry, beauty products, brown sugar, white vinegar, coconut, melt, plastic, body lotion, sun burn and so on. I also realized interestingly that I understood the translation with ease and that I was able to follow questions that were raised by the deaf people (Sternberg 71). The communication was very clear to me. Another interesting experience was that my 2 classmates and I decided that we shall not communicate in English but we shall use ASL from the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Correlates of criminal behavior

Correlates of criminal behavior Introduction Factors that correlate with crime are those, such as economic deprivation, that demonstrate a relationship with the incidence of criminal behavior. It is crucial to remember that correlations only tell us that there is a relationship between one variable and another they do not tell us what is causing what. For example, there is an association between failing at school and juvenile delinquency but we cannot say that low school achievement necessarily cause delinquency (Dwyer, 2001). It is possible that once an individual becomes involved in delinquent behavior, their school work suffers and grades begin to deteriorate. Alternatively, there may be a third factor, perhaps the attitude of the family towards school work and offending that causes both of the other factors (Dwyer, 2001). It is important, though, to recognize that a relationship does have a cause and this is what researchers are trying to uncover, but at no time should we jump to superficial conclusions about the exact direction of the cause. Case Study A: DV a 36-year-old, Single Black Male DV, a 36-year-old, single Black male was charged with possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. During formal interviews, DV was initially uncooperative with the evaluators. He pretended not to understand what was asked of him. He was strongly encouraged to cooperate with the evaluation. After a period of observation and initial psychological testing, it was explained to him that his report of experiencing auditory hallucinations was unlikely to be true (Heilbrun, Marczky DeMatteo, 2002). DV was administered psychological testing on three separate occasions. Initial test results clearly demonstrated DV intended to represent himself as mentally ill and confused. After further counseling, he was re-administered two tests, which he appeared to complete in a cooperative fashion. DVs responses on a structured interview of symptoms of mental illness were consistent with those of someone intending to put on psychotic mental illness (Heilbrun et al., 2002). DV began smoking marijuana as a teenager and has continued to use it throughout adulthood. Selling illicit drugs eventually became his primary source of income through the years. Prior to his arrest, he used marijuana on a daily basis and drank alcohol much less frequently, primarily on the weekends or when it was available (Heilbrun et al., 2002). DV has been arrested at least 20 times throughout adolescence and adulthood. He has been incarcerated in state prisons twice, both for felony convictions. The only previous mental health treatment he has received was during his incarceration in a state prison. He had been experiencing nervousness, tremors, and what he referred to as depression. This condition was reportedly treated with antipsychotic medication for a period of six months. His reports of past mental health symptoms were vague, and he indicated that he has never sought mental health treatment when out of prison (Heilbrun et al., 2002). Criminal Behavior: Mental Disorder   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to Bartol and Bartol (2011) mental illness is a disorder of disease of the mind that is judged by experts to interfere substantially with a persons ability to cope with life on a daily basis. It presumably deprives the person of freedom of choice, but it is important to note that there are degrees to this deprivation. The term mental disorder, however, need not imply that a person is sick, to be pitied, or even necessarily less responsible for his or her actions. Psychological Theory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Psychology is the science of behavior and mental process. Psychological criminology, then, is the science of the behavior and mental process of the person who commits crime. In the psychology of crime, both social and personality influences on criminal behavior are considered, along with the mental processes that mediate that behavior.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is hard to specify typically the psychological theories of crime. Psychological theories centers on the influence of individual and family factors on offending. Psychological theories usually develop and attempt to explain offending on an ongoing project thats starts from childhood to adulthood (Bartol Bartol, 2011). Correlates and Developmental Risk factors The parental and family risk factors led DV to become deviant at a very young age. During a conducted interview, DV stated that he lived at home with his mother, father, and two brothers until the age of eight, when his mother was killed in a car accident. After his mothers death, he began living with an aunt, who raised him until he left home at the age of 14. He attended school through the eighth grade and was expelled from school after the eighth grade, partly because of his poor attendance and partly because of his involvement in two fights (Heilbrun et al., 2002). He described school as being difficult for him because he never had any family support. After his mother died, nobody really cared whether he went to school. It was the loss of his mother that triggered his criminal behavior. Is this Person a Criminal? In summary, DV manifest a personality style and behavior pattern that is characterized by dislike towards authority and violation of social norms and laws. He was diagnosed with malingering (resolved) cannibus abuse and antisocial personality disorder. DV can be held accountable for his actions. He knew that the current adjudication constitutes his third felony conviction, and he knew the sentencing mandates associated with a third felony conviction. Specifically, DV was aware that he could have received a very lengthy sentence for his third conviction and knew his plea carried the probability of a relatively short sentence. He knew that his plea agreement called for his full cooperation in the resolution of his case (Heilbrun et al., 2002). DV was deemed competent to stand trial based on his ability to comprehend what he did and he knew this. Case Study B: 24-Year-Old John D. John is a 24-year-old Caucasian male who was convicted of Sexual Battery, which occurred on February 10, 1998, and is awaiting sentencing. John D. was an only child born to unwed parents on February 9, 1975. He grew up in an unstable environment and his father was a drug addict who neglected to care for him. He recalls no memories of his father prior to the age of eight (Heilbrun et al., 2002). At eight years old, John D. recalled playing with and smelling someones feet. He cant remember exactly what happened at the moment but recall it was really scary. He remembers his fathers hands pulling his knees apart. That was all he can remember about the incident (Heilbrun et al., 2002). Criminal Behavior: Sex Offender (Sexual Battery)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sex offenders often commit a variety of crime beyond sexual offenses, although this is more likely to be the case with rapists than the child molesters. There is no single profile that encompasses a majority of sex offenders. The features of their crimes also differ distinctly among offenders, including time and place, the gender and age of the victim, the degree of planning the offense, and the amount of violence used or intended (APA, 2000; Bartol Bartol, 2011). Sociological Theory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The sociological approach examines underlying social conditions that may influence criminal behavior by focusing on how social structure and processes contribute to crime. Life course criminology focuses on life tragedies or paths that may lead to lifelong or repeated criminal behavior. The Sociological theory of criminal behavior is the way people look at their environment. Sociologically, a person will be overwhelmed by closeness, the imitation and behavior of those they look up to, as well as their understanding of what is right and what is wrong (Bartol Bartol, 2011).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  People are not born with a predisposition to violence or lack of power; rather they become that way as a result of social experiences. Furthermore, criminal behavior, again like all behavior, is an individuals way of adapting to his or her environment. Correlates and Developmental Risk factors   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Examples of social risk factors are parental and family risk factors including faulty or inadequate parenting, sibling influences, and child maltreatment or abuse. A wide variety of circumstances can lead to a single-parent home. John D.s father died when he was nine years old. He is unable to recall any memories of his father prior to age eight. His parents never married but after his fathers death, his mother married a man that told John D. someday he would burn in hell (Heilbrun et al., 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  His mothers parental styles were inappropriate. John D. loved her because she could be fun to be with, and she was proud of him. At the same time he hated her because of the way she treated him. He described her as very moody, at times she would be nice and at other times she lashed out and smacked him in the face. John D. also stated that he often felt like a surrogate husband to his mother, because whenever it was time to kiss her goodnight, she would stick her tongue out (Heilbrun et al., 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John D. spent most of his time living with his maternal grandparents. His grandmother would walk in on him when he was changing his underwear and would always find an excuse to come into the bathroom and wipe him after he was done. He didnt realize his grandmothers behavior was inappropriate until later (Heilbrun et al., 2002).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Models are those significant persons in the social environment that provide cues for how to do something (Bartol Bartol, 2011; Jackson, 2008). For example, a child may learn how to shoot a gun by imitating television or video characters. The child then will rehearse and fine-tunes this behavioral pattern by practicing with toy guns. John D.s behavioral patterns are the outcome of the models he had in his life. Is this Person a Criminal?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John D. is responsible for his actions and should be held criminally liable for what he did. He shows no remorse for his victims. He kills his victims and plays with their feet. He has a tendency to act upon his fantasies. He has a high potential for dangerous behavior inflicted against self and others. Case Study C: 21-Year-Old Jimmy M. The defendant in this case, Jimmy M., was charged with aggravated murder in the shooting death of a police officer in November of 1997. Jimmy M. has an extensive criminal record and a history consistent with an antisocial personality disorder. Antisocial personality disorder is not usually considered to be a mitigating factor. In addition to the antisocial personality disorder, Jimmy M. had suffered from a serious head injury, resulting in the request for a neuropsychological evaluation (Heilbrun et al., 2002). Jimmy M. was born to Darlene M (who was 15 years old when she got pregnant) and Bob Hoover on September 21, 1976. Jimmy M. only saw his father twice, once in fifth or sixth grade and the second time was last year while he was incarcerated. He primarily raised by his foster grandmother, Martha Washington; Ms. Washington was Jimmy M.s mothers foster parent. Jimmy M.s mother was a drug addict and alcoholic who was arrested and spent time in jail and prison before dying of a drug overdose in 1989 (Heilbrun et al., 2002). On one occasion, when Jimmy M. was eight years old, his mother used him to hide stolen money. Jimmy M. developed significant behavioral problems following his mothers death. He subsequently had numerous contacts with juvenile authorities and was placed with the Department of Youth Services on several occasions. He encountered numerous conflicts with his grandmother. Although things have not always been stable with his grandmother, Jimmy M. stated that they remain close today (Heilbrun et al., 2002). Criminal Behavior: Murder (Aggravated Murder)   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The term murder is reserved for the unlawful killing of one human being by another with malice aforethought, either expressed or implied. Malice aforethought refers to premeditation, or the mental state of a person who thinks ahead, plans, and voluntarily causes the death of another, without legal excuse or justification. However, premeditation can occur in a very short period of time (even a minute); it does not require weeks of planning (Bartol Bartol, 2011). Biological Theory   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Historically, neurological impairment, whether by heredity, injury, or disease, has been thought to coincide with criminal behavior. For example, head injury and violent behavior are found to coexist in criminals at a higher than average rate. Though a direct link cannot be determined between the two, researchers observe that neurological problems, in combination with environmental and social risk factors, interact to influence criminal behavior (APA, 2000; Bartol Bartol, 2011; Raine, 2002). Biological theories have a misunderstanding stereotype that if a person is a criminal then that person was born a criminal. Biological theories are only one interpretation of criminality (Rafter, 2008). Biology has an effect on our social and emotional lives that would be categorized as biological influences on our behavior. Some examples would be menstruation affects some women more than others, but many have more mood swings during, and just before, menstruation. Pregnancy also affects hormones and therefore emotions. In many cases, a women seems calmer than usual when pregnant, not reacting as she normally would to the stresses of work and life. Hormones in pregnancy have a lot of functions, including effects on mood and puberty is another example with which everyone is familiar. During the transition from childhood into a sexual world, teenagers go through some profound emotional and behavioral changes usually suffered along with them by their parents, other relatives, and teache rs (Raine, 2002). Eventually they mature and become adults; but in the years of puberty, the change in outlook and disturbance of behavior can be profound. But again, the environmental influences are crucial in how puberty, a biological change, is realized. Correlates and Developmental Risk factors Jimmy M.s mother was 15 when she was pregnant and 16 when he was born. Given her own drug, alcohol, and legal problems she was clearly unable to provide adequate parenting. His foster grandmother was, at best, inconsistent in her ability to provide for Jimmy M. and the other children within her care, who included Jimmy M.s mother. Following his mothers death, Jimmy M.s behavior showed clear signs of deterioration, and he joined the local gang (Heilbrun et al., 2002). As a result of Jimmy M.s early childhood experiences, he has bonded to no one, has little capacity for empathy, and has shut off his emotions from the rest of the world. Is this Person a Criminal?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Therefore, Jimmy M. is responsible for his actions and should be held criminally liable for what he did. However, based on his past, Jimmy M. should undergo treatment to eliminate harm to him and to others. Jimmy M. demonstrated a capacity of attachment. Once his mother passed he began to seek support by associating with the local gang. There is a possibility that through treatment and rehabilitation Jimmy M. can do better for himself. Conclusion According to Bartol and Bartol (2011) Crime, like all behavior, is complex and varied, and there are no simple answers regarding its causes. This is hardly surprising considering the great variety of crimes and offenders. Different theories put the emphasis on different causal factors: biology, personality, unconscious conflict, social learning, to name but a few. It is still by no means clear whether or not biological factors are implicated in antisocial behavior but, even if they are, most researchers acknowledge that the environment in which children are reared can either stimulate or inhibit any inborn tendency is criminality. The type of environment most conducive to delinquency is one of poverty, deprivation, a stressful family life and lack of educational opportunities. These factors are inextricably inter-related and the more of these that a child endures, the greater the likelihood of them committing criminal acts. Nevertheless, many individuals exposed to all of these risk factors do not embrace a life of crime. Perhaps we need to take a more careful look at protective factors such as personal disposition, loving relationships, social support systems and, indeed, gender, in order to more successfully address the problem of crime. References American Psychological Association (2000). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) (4th ed., vol. Text Revision). Arlington, VA: Author. Bartol, C .R. Bartol, A. M. (2011). Criminal behavior: A psychosocial approach (9th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Dwyer, D. (2001). Angles on criminal psychology. United Kingdom: Nelson Thornes, Ltd. Heilbrun, K., Marczyk, G. R., DeMatteo, D. (2002). Forensic mental health assessment: A casebook. New York: Oxford Press. Jackson, R. (Ed.). (2008). Learning forensic assessment. New York: Routledge. Rafter, N. (2008). The criminal brain: Understanding biological theories of crime. New York, New York: New York University Press. Raine, A. (2002). Biosocial studies of antisocial and violent behavior in children and adults: A review. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 30(4), 311-26.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Jonathan Santosgonzalez Dr. Mike Pettengell ENG 102 10 March 2014 Art History Assignment: Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Vinci a Tuscan hill town in the territory of the republic of Florence, son of wealthy Messer Piero Fruosini di Antonio da Vinci, a Florentine legal notary and Caterina, a peasant. His full name was Leonardo di ser Pierro da Vinci, the title ser indicated that his father was a gentleman. There is not too much known about his early years only that he lived in the home of his mother until 1457 and then in the household of his father in the small town of Vinci. At the age of fourteen, in 1466, Leonardo was apprenticed of the artist Andrea di Cione, whose workshop was one of the best in Florence. Leonardo was exposed to both theoretical training and a vast range of technical skills, including drafting, chemistry, metallurgy, metal working, plaster casting, leather working, mechanics and carpentry as well as the artistic skills of drawing, painting, sculpting and modelling. According to Vasari: Leonardo collaborated with ...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

How to Improve Your English

Language plays and important role in human life. Out of all the languages in the world, English is considered as the international language. And me as an immigrant I think it’s very important to work on improving my English skills in order to communicate with people easier, get more job opportunities, and most importantly to get into college. There are plenty of ways to improve your English. To improve your English conversation and oral skills you should watch American movies and T. V. shows with English subtitles, and try to really listen!You should also try and communicate as much as you can and don’t be shy of your accent or your lack of grammar, just know that you’re doing this for the best and to have better English in the future. Personally that helped me a lot and I would strongly advise any person who’s looking to improve their English to use this method. Now if you want to improve your reading skills, just simply, read! Read anything and everythin g in English. You can read story books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, comics, English textbooks, instructions and ingredients on food packages, advertisements or even online articles if you want.Honestly, in our days just going on the internet can be a lot of reading, and with the internet being most in English, it would be a very good and fun way for you to improve your reading and reading speed. However, always remember, do something, anything. Just don’t do nothing, because if you don’t do anything, you will not get anywhere. Don't be in too much of a hurry though. You're setting off on a long journey and there'll be delays and frustrations along the way. Sometimes you'll be in the fast lane and other times you'll be stuck in traffic, just take your time to really enjoy the experience.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Alternative Power Sources

Mexico is one of the countries that utilize alternative or renewable energies aside from its major power generating plants such as thermal and coal fired power plants. Renewable energy represents the production of electrical energy with the resources being provided by nature on a sustainable basis. Utilization of this renewable energy gives an alternative solution to the prevailing demand for energy. It also lessens or eliminates the emission of harmful threats to the environment cause by the usage of the typical sources of energy such fossil fuels in the form of carbon, oil, or gas.The environmental effects are long term in nature and irreversible in process such as the increasing hole in the ozone, global warming and contamination of the atmosphere, the greenhouse effect, and nuclear waste. Alternative or renewable energies may be in the form of a hydropower plant that uses the kinetic energy of water to be able to generate power; a solar panel utilizing photovoltaic cell to harnes s the energy rays coming from the sun; a windmill that uses wind power to produce energy; and geothermal energy that utilizes steam coming from the earth’s core.Adapting to the usage of renewable energy not only has a positive effect on Mexico’s environment but also in its economy. An evaluation of renewable power sources will provide significant help in producing additional power in Mexico. Mexico utilizes alternative sources of energy in the form of hydropower which comprise 22% of the total rated capacity, 2% to geothermal plants, 3% to nuclear plants, only a small fraction of percent goes to wind power and large percentage accounts to thermal plants of CFE and others from independent power producers.CFE refers to the â€Å"Comision Federal de Electricidad† or the Federal Electricity Commission, and it represents the sole state owned electric company. CFE is responsible for the construction of generating plants to meet the demands for domestic lighting, irrig ation, dragging and milling; increasing the rated capacity of power needed; unified economical and technical criteria by standardizing the operating voltage and frequency with the purpose of standardizing equipment thereby reducing manufacturing time as well as cost, inventory and storage.At present there are two governing bodies in Mexico’s electrical public system, the Central Light and Power Company and the Federal Electricity Commission or CFE. The two bodies govern agreements on transmission and interconnection services being granted to renewable power sources. Regulatory schemes are being implemented to balance the competitive condition of power production thus enabling competition under similar conditions.The Energy Regulatory Commission or the CRE has the sole responsibility regarding the economic and technical regulation of the electricity sector. The objective is to protect consumer’s interest either short or in long terms. Factors to consider in economic reg ulations include costs, prices, quality of service and investment. CRE is also responsible in concessions and permits, settling disputes, and promoting competitions among participants.Mexico’s energy sector played a key role regarding the economic growth of the country such as the relative increase in the Gross domestic product or GDP, certain percentages coming from the energy exports, total public revenues, and investments in the energy sector greatly contributed to the economic growth of the country. The figure below shows the structure of the Mexican Energy Sector.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Yield Management in Hotels

Yield Management in Hotels Examination of the concept and procedure of yield management used in the hotel industry today Examination of the concept of yield management in the flourishing hotel industry is extremely essential in obtaining maximum yields from this industry. I will commence by explaining in much details what we mean by yield management especially in the hotel industry. To be precise, this term generally refers to an activity greatly used in the lodging and transportation industries in an attempt to maximize profit.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Yield Management in Hotels specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is generally a measure to skyrocket revenues and the profits. It refers to a procedure that deals with establishment of different prices for the services that are the same and then subsequent allocation of these services in a manner that increases the revenue. Within a hotel set up, there should be a preliminary way of room allocation for a given period. This measure will ensure that there are many alternatives in terms of pricing. This will result into accountability for all the rooms found in that particular hotel (Kumar 2010). Yield management concept has never been new to hoteliers. Both staff with much experience and those with little experience carry out this practice. They do this with a talent that is variable. They anticipate demand that is overall for given periods like days, weeks or even years. Revenue/yield management is normally a discipline that is economic in nature. It is normally relevant to a myriad of industries that offer service to clients. In this case, service segments in the market pricing are added to analyze statistics. This enhances expansion of the market for an increase in the revenue or yield per each unit of capacity. Forecasting of demand characterizes management of yields in hotels. It utilizes optimal procedures in the determination of requests on booking to comply wi th the objective of maximizing profit. Nearly all main hotel chains like Hilton practice simple or compound yield management procedures. This is to ensure maintenance of control systems in the inventory. These hotels have come up with their own hardware and software measurements combined with corporate systems in screening of the market for profit maximization (Ismael 2002). Strategies used in hotels to maximize occupancy and maximum rate to achieve maximum revenue In order to maximize profits, serious hoteliers pay a lot of attention to the following key areas: Bookings, cash flow, and customers. In most cases, they are the top and key areas for the hotelier to ensure profit maximization. The hotelier should put the above items into reality in order to make them tangible and functional.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More They also require much effective strategies, which can work well on all aspects of operations in a hotel. These strategies can be applied in sales, profit management, and marketing. Therefore, the following are the strategies that hoteliers need to put into application to ensure maximum yields (Jagels 2006). One, they require to practice what we call revenue management strategy. It is very important for hoteliers to possess an effective and efficient profit management strategy. This is to ensure that the enterprise is imperative in the much competitive market of today. A good system also ensures that managers avoid controlling prices and other important variables in a manner that is proactive instead of a manner that is reactive. The second strategy is a strategy whereby hotel managers forget completely about the computer set system. They should in turn embrace the online set system. Forgetting the traditional computer set system completely is inevitable for them. The focus should be on the comparison of their price with that of all their competitors within a given destination. Through possession of the whole picture, there would be a rise in their capacity in terms of generation of bookings that are very high. The third strategy is the strategy called, â€Å"Go fourth and integrate†. Integration is important in increasing efficiencies of all operations in the hotel. Instead of using multiple systems or even tools that cannot coincide with each other, they should use a more consolidated system. Putting this system into place avoids that scenario. It should be very much user friendly and should give high optimization flexibility in terms of pricing. There should also be a distribution that is online and a webpage that is competitive in terms of positioning and control of the inventory (Jagels 2006). Another strategy put into use is having a booking channel that is new. This becomes possible through getting your mobile on. Hoteliers should consider coming up with a website called mobile Commerce. In this particular website, customers can hastily access the hotel and the information they require. They can directly book from their respective mobile phones. This saves on cost and time.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Yield Management in Hotels specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There should also be proper management of different channels in the hotel. Hotels should ensure availability of room inventory that is present for buying in all channels. These channels are normally available. In order to seduce the customers to come to their respective hotels, the rates across all the available networks should be equal. The use and role of technology in yield management in hotels Systems of technology enhance hotel stakeholders with tactics to improve sales and revenue. Proper management of revenue normally ensures improvements in profit margins. Through subdivision of a particular meal into its constituent sections, a man ager may get to know exactly the particular systems to put into application at a given stage in order to provide the highest revenue margins in a given hotel. In technology adoption, it is always necessary for the managers to carry out analysis in finance. This will aid in determining whether the cost of technology will be greater than that during the period the business began. This is reflected in terms of improvements in revenue. Given that monetary mathematics is favourable, the hotel management should think of returns to both the hotel customers and employees. They must also factor in the issue of consumer and employees views. This should be in terms of utility in technology and their ease in terms of use. In devoid of these important articulations in place, technology will be at a point of having little success despite how much promising the financial benefit may be. â€Å"The latest eTRACK Full Year 2009 report on hotel bookings demonstrated that today, online channel is the sole channel of growth in the hospitality industry (Jagels 2006, p.39). This enhances shifting from offline to online bookings in the hotel industry because of reducing voice channels. Technology at Hilton Hotel Corporation Hilton Hotel Corporation runs a chain of hotels in almost all continents in the world. It is therefore a worldwide business venture in the hotel industry. In May 2003, it came up with an IT system that they called OnQ (Cuneo 2003) The Hilton considered that there was need to embrace technology as their future financial prosperity in terms of profit margins depended on it. The top management recognized the fact that to continue growing, technology was inevitable. OnQ was able to integrate all the office operations. There was an initiative to provide picture profiles of hotel customers to the hotel workers. The guest profile was an inclusion of customer’s recent stays and a writing of any difficulties the customer may have experienced.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Other technologies used at the Hilton include computers, mobile telephones and many others. Both customers and hotel staff make telephone calls when it comes to booking of rooms. Computers are normally used in data entry and recording. The hotel staff enters customer details into their database to monitor the customer stay at the hotel facility. It is also very important for the hotel management to ensure that there is security surveillance. This is to enhance customer safety during his or her stay within the hotel premises. Digital cameras installation within the rooms and at strategic points within the hotel building ensures observation of each activity that take place inside the hotel. In case of a crime being committed within the hotel premises, it will be easy for hotel staff to establish under which circumstances the crime occurred. In conclusion, without embracing technology with both hands, stakeholders in the hotel sub sector will continue to report a decrease in revenues. Technology is thus a thorny issue that hotel management has to be keen on to ensure yield management (Cross 1997). Reference List Cross, R., 1997. Revenue Management: Hard-Core Tactics for Market Domination. New York, NY: Broadway Books. Cuneo, E., 2003. Hilton’s $50 Million Answer. 2nd ed. Chicago: John Hopkins Publishers. Jagels, R., 2006. Hospitality Management Accounting. New York: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.. Ismael, A., 2002. Front Office Operators and Management. New York: Thomson Delmar. Kumar, E., 2010. Marketing Of Hospitality and Tourism. New York: Thomson Delmar.

Monday, October 21, 2019

David M Buss essays

David M Buss essays His main area of study has been human desires, what people want when they are looking for a husband or wife. To research this, he surveyed over ten thousand people in thirty-seven cultures on six continents. What his findings show is that men tend to choose mates more on physical attractiveness and youth. While women seek men with more financial power. Now this may come as no surprise to us in America, because men here have always wanted women who were more physically attractive, and women have always wanted to marry a rich man, like a doctor or a lawyer. What Buss found out is that it is also similar in other cultures. How a mans wealth is determined may vary, but the mans desirability is the same. From his studies and what he has gathered from past information, he has put together a good theory that explains why we have our preferences for a mate the way we do. It dates back to our ancestors, some of the first humans. The main goal for them was to survive. To do this men wanted to have as many children as they could. Women wanted men who could protect them. For them the mans wealth was measured by his social status, strength, and ability to fight (to protect themselves). From generation to generation these traits were inherited, written deep down in our subconscious. The characteristics men look for in women are: skin tone, symmetry in the face, clear skin (acne can be a pre-indicator of high testosterone levels, which could mean they may have ovarian dysfunction), and a low hip-to-waist ratio. This ratio is the 36-24-36 measurements. This certain hip to waist ratio is a strong indicator that the woman is more fertile, and thus able to have more children. The reason men want younger women as their choice for mates is that because theyre younger, once again they can produce more children. Of course now theyre not as interested in having a large family, but the ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

8 Steps to Writing a Magnetic College Student Resume

8 Steps to Writing a Magnetic College Student Resume This right here is a post that approached the art of magnetic college student resume writing from a rather unorthodox perspective. But hey, that’s what it’s going to take for most grads in the modern world to land a sweet job! This is current, insider info. Step 1. Quality Approaches vs. Quantity The first thing to realize is that it’s better to focus fire your efforts on a small number of ideal options (1-5), rather than planning on designing a resume to send out en masse. Why? Who cares why? It should be obvious. If it’s not, then you better keep reading because you’re out of touch with the inbound marketing world. Because of the modern job market, you need to come across in a serious and personalized way to stand out from the crowd. How many other grads are applying to this position? Furthermore, if you lack experience and haven’t had the chance yet to prove yourself, then you’re going to need to really make up for that fact with a magnetic and irresistible college student resume (among other things). More details in our blog post on how to write a resume with no job experience. Step 2. Inventory Specs Benefits Take an hour out of your day, grab two pieces of paper and a pencil and do some masterminding. On one page, list your specifications. These are all the basic skill-sets and book smarts you have relevant to the position. Include certifications, degrees etc. On the other page, you list the benefits of hiring you from the company’s perspective. Now, realize that in today’s world, the specs don’t mean too much. It’s a results-driven world out there. Where’s the results you’ve created? If there are none, then the only leverage you have are the benefits of hiring YOU. And, the good news is that there’s only one of you. How can you capitalize on that fact? Step 3. Consider How You Might Break the Rules Study the resumes that most HR personal will expect to see and then ask yourself if there’s anything you can do to break the rules, but in a way that works in your favor. It’s hyper-competitive out there folks! Snap some intern out of their daze for a minute and get noticed! What do you have to lose by showing a bit of personality? Because guess what, most startups out there (and there’s millions of them paving the way for the future of the technologically driven world) are looking for young, creative and personable folks to work with. Communicate that millennial spirit. However, you should take into consideration that there are still some rules about writing a resume that are better to follow. Step 4. Come Out Swinging Be Direct Don’t think you can beat around the resume bush and get away with it. You can’t. Get straight to the primary benefit of hiring you and then list off your most impressive specification first. Stack the deck so that they see only the biggest selling points you have. Then, taper as you go but keep your resume ideally packaged on one page. With every word and sentence you put on that resume, ask yourself if you’re getting to the point or avoiding something. Boom! You’re not knocking on the door here folks, you’re kicking it in. â€Å"Here’s why you should hire me†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bam, Bam, Bam! Also, dont forget about the power of words. Find out what good adjectives for a resume are and try to use them! Step 5. Harness the Power of Formatting I want you to look at your resume the way a copywriter looks at an expertly formatted advertorial web article. You know, the kind that you can’t help but reading and then have you pulling out your credit card for something. The title of your resume is as important to you as it is to a business trying to land on the first page of Google search results. The content must be easy to scan through. Subtitles, bullet-point lists, benefits and specifications. The content begins with a short introductory paragraph that serves as the hook. This should be crafted using your primary benefits. Check out good resume examples on websites which weve added to the list of top 10 resources about college graduate resume writing. Step 6. Yes, Have an Editor or Proofreader Look at It There’s no question. Unless you yourself are some kind of trained editor or proofreader, have someone else do it. In fact, you might want to consider actually paying a professional to look at it. Speaking of which†¦ Step 7. Consider Outsourcing These days you can hop online and pay freelance resume writers to craft something super-professional and impressive. All they’ll need is everything you wrote on those two pieces of paper from earlier and the list of companies you’re focusing on. Step 8. Maintain a Current Resume As time goes by and you collect more benefits and specifications that are resume worthy, be sure to update your resume. Things move quickly. Jobs can come and go before you know it. Always maintain your resume with the mindset that you could be on the job hunt at any moment. After the perfect resume is created, you should send it out! If you wont get the answer soon, dont be desparate. Consider sending a follow-up letter after sending a resume!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Biology and Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Biology and Society - Essay Example When the population of a less developed country increases, government faces the pressure of increased demand while the supply of services and facilities is limited owing to the limited budget of the country. In less developed countries, the infrastructure is poor and weak. The population of poor people with a substandard lifestyle is high. People are not much educated. Still, there is abundance of talent while the job opportunities are limited. All these factors encourage people to adopt unique ways of surviving through the hard times. Many people start informal small businesses of their own. A substantial population of people in the less developed countries renders services to foreign countries. Although the population is high, yet the pressure on the government is alleviated as hundreds of thousands of people from these less developed countries migrate to the advanced countries in search of better opportunities of education and employment and have a high standard of living in gener al. Many people from such less developed countries as India, Pakistan, and China migrate to the US, the UK, and such other developed countries every year. So the pressure of increased population is essentially shared by the advanced countries. ... Even though they are advanced economies, and have abundance of means and resources, yet there is not a substantial difference between how things are done in the less developed countries and how they are done in the advanced countries. Although there is considerable expenditure on research and development in the advanced countries, yet most of the projects are in their initial stages and are not developed enough to replace the old ways of doing things. Let’s take the hydrogen cars for example. Hydrogen car operates differently from the fuel-operated cars in that it does not use gasoline and accordingly does not cause air pollution like the fuel-operated cars do. Hydrogen cars produce steam while fuel-operated cars produce exhaust. Clearly, hydrogen cars are more environment friendly as compared to the fuel-operated cars. However, a vast majority of people even in the advanced countries drive the fuel-operated cars. Hydrogen cars are used by a minority of people since they are v ery expensive and are not produced in large numbers. As it is said, â€Å"The car of the future [the hydrogen car] is here today. Of course, you can't buy one yet† (Lampton). The bigger contributor to the reduction of environmental health and safety is growing consumption of natural resources by the advanced countries. The more the resources are consumed, the more the pollution is created. Whether it is air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, or any kind of pollution, it is more where there is more development. In fact, the very development with the use of the natural resources is what makes the advanced economies advanced. â€Å"Even the availability of grain is affected more by rising livestock numbers and the use of biofuels – driven, again by consumption – than by human

Friday, October 18, 2019

Four Stages of Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Four Stages of Life - Essay Example In order for Hindus to opt out of their ordinary life, one must engage in the laws of Manu. Hindus do not require teachings on how to be happy, secure, or win the admiration and respect of their associates and friends. However, they do require instructions on the best way to secure the same. In Hindu, deeper thinking is suggestive of the fact that these stages and the values they represent progress naturally. Therefore, man grows more towards their fundamental interests (Van Voorst 67). The movement towards increasingly satisfying and enduring values is institutionalized in the Ashramas, or the comprehension of the four stages of life. The first stage of human life in accordance with the laws of Manu is the studentship stage. For boy students, they are supposed to habituate with a guru or teacher to learn Sanskrit, ritual, the Vedas and others (Van Voorst 39). The guru in this case is a Brahmin. For the student, the dharma is inclusive of obedience, non-violence, celibacy, and respec tfulness. God is the student’s teacher in this stage. When it comes to girls, this stage of student-hood is coincident with the householder stage; her husband takes up the role of her teacher. In this stage, the student’s norm is discipline, his forte is celibacy, and his duty is devotion to the guru, while his vocation is concentration in the studies. The student learns the renderings and nuances of Sastras, Upanishads, and Vedas. He does this through rote in order for him to realize in real life situations the significance of his studies when he is of age. Therefore, this stage is one of probation and training sans prejudice. The student is expected to add an honorific title before pronouncing the teacher’s name even when out of earshot (Van Voorst 40). The student’s initial lesson is Sandhya Vandanam in the evening, noon, and morning, breath control, Gayatri recitation, ablutions, sprinkling and sipping water, and water libations. The second stage of l ife as stipulated in the laws of Manu is the householder stage. In this stage, after bathing and performing the ritual for going back home, a twice born man is allowed to marry a woman from the same caste endowed with bodily marks of an auspicious nature (Van Voorst 40). Hindus take this stage more seriously as compared to Buddhism and Jainism; it is usually considered to be mandatory just as the first stage of student hood is. Here, the fundamental dharma of the specific individual is carried out whether as a warrior, priest, or otherwise, while for women the role is usually as a mother or wife. On top of the particular duties of the second stage, general duties are carried out with the aim of paying off debt. Marriage and bearing children is considered as discharging the debt to ancestors; sacrifices and household rituals are considered as discharging debt to the gods, and teaching one’s children, wife, and other students in the case of Brahmins is considered as discharging debt to the teacher (Van Voorst 41). These three debts can at times be associated with the three-trinity gods. These are Shiva for debt to the teachers, Brahma for debts to the ancestors, and Vishnu for debt to the gods. The third stage of human life written in the law of Manu is the forest dweller stage. This stage is optional and is entered ideally when a person gets graying hair, has grandchildren who can carry the family name onwards, and gets wrinkled skin. Wives and

The Impact of CCTV Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Impact of CCTV - Essay Example According to Home Office (2004), the U.K. has an estimated 402 million CCTV cameras, which translates to one camera for every 14 people. In London, for example, one is likely to be caught on camera for at least 300 times a day. The United States is not left behind as most cities and towns have increased the number of CCTV cameras in the recent past to assist in deterring crime and beef up security. Despite the good intention, studies have shown that it is very expensive to install and operate a CCTV camera. The cost has been cited as one of the major impediments of CCTV cameras since, despite their high cost, the benefits are very little. Apart from the set up cost involved in CCTV installation, the system also incurs ongoing operating costs, which makes it expensive to install and operate. Furthermore, the operation of CCTV requires employment of human resource that actively monitors the cameras 24 hours (Armitage 2002, p.8). Such additional costs make the installation of CCTV camer as very expensive and unviable based on the fact that the benefits are very little. A study conducted in the U.K. in 1990s showed that the Home Office wasted millions of Euros in installing CCTV cameras in major towns and cities to assist in improving security (Home Office 2004). Precisely a whopping 78% of the Home Office crime prevention budget was directed towards CCTV installation, according to Home Office (2004). In Stockholm city alone, 55 million Euros were invested in CCTV installation to beef up the security of the city. Despite such huge investment in CCTV installation, findings showed that the crime rate in the city did not change much since some crimes were still being committed in the full view of cameras. This raised many questions as to why the government had to... The researcher states that 911 events prompted the U.S. government to beef up security in the country through the formation of the Department of Homeland Security. At the same time, American citizens also became more vigilant in a bid to ensure that their security is not compromised in any way. This has seen the number of video surveillance cameras in many towns and cities. Armitage indicates that many American cities and towns installed CCTV cameras as a mean of beefing up security and preventing crime. Basically, a CCTV camera can be installed in a business premise, home compound, street, where the cameras collects videos of all activities taking place, which is then directed to a Digital Video Recorder for viewing, and storage for future reference. In so doing, CCTV enables controlled areas to be put on surveillance remotely. The fact that the CCTV cameras are able to capture events in areas is of great importance to law enforcement and regulatory agencies since it makes it possib le for them to respond quickly to an episode once alerted. The analysis, that was conducted by the researcher showed that even though CCTV is effective in crime prevention in some areas such as in vehicle-related crimes, it is not worth investing in. This is because it is expensive in terms of cost, has poor picture clarity, and interferes with the privacy of citizens. As a result, the researcher suggests that government should consider investing the amount allocated for CCTV project for other more effective ways of reducing crime.

Control a People's Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Control a People's Language - Essay Example Instead, they start by using sign language to communicate with their significant others. They learn such signs from the people who take care of them, thus highlighting their dependence on such individuals. Consequently, the caregivers of such children have the capacity to control the children as they take charge of their language. A look at the deaf community also highlights this important aspect. When children are born deaf, their caregivers take up the role of using signs that the young ones can use as their language of communication. Therefore, the caregivers control the deaf children as they teach them a unique and informal language unknown to other people. This creates a form of control since other people outside the circle of the caregivers may not understand the language. At the national and international levels, the people in charge of formulating such languages as the American Sign Language also control the communities that use the sign language. This is because the people invent signs that apply on a national level. Consequently, the deaf community, for instance, is compelled to use the language for them to contribute to nation building. The most conversant people in this language also possess the ability to advocate for the rights of such people. They can do this by raising awareness of the challenges faced by such people, thus promoting their voice in the nation. Such actions lead to greater recognition of the deaf communities, and may stop them from being classified as minorities (Jaspers, Verschueren & Ostman, 2010). P. 187. On the other hand, the people who possess such skills, as well as the ability to advocate for the rights of the deaf can choose to keep silent, thus hindering the ability of the deaf to get equitable opportunities. This explains that being in control of a people’s language leads to their control as the people get to decide what is to be done, and what should not be done. In

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysis the Fidelity Investment case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis the Fidelity Investment case - Essay Example as 74% of fidelity’s employees felt more connected to their colleagues after teaching an apprenticeship and 95% reported improved team building traits. Eric Schwarz was interested on the shocking large drop outs of the disadvantaged students. Nearly 1.2 million students dropped out of high school every year. It was discovered that the middle school years were very critical in determining of whether the students would end-up graduating from high school. He thus sorts to establish a lasting solution through partnership with Fidelity Investment Company. This case therefore sorts to provide solutions to the middle level disadvantaged student. This was done through controlling the high rates of school drop-outs to successfully graduate and their after advance to college while at the same time fully participate in the civic and economic life of their communities. The success of a business is generally determined by its location, this is very essential for the investment. Locating a business within communities with vibrant arts organization and a rich cultural life is of great significance to the business. This is because the communities will greatly invest and the business will reap the benefits of economic growth, jobs and the quality of life in these communities. The benefits that a business receives from the community are as a resort of business contribution and giving back to the community. Businesses therefore should support to the art and school programs in the community just like the Fidelity Investment. The business planner make crucial decisions concerning the support community projects and by how much, these decisions are driven by; the community expectations, conflict reduction, risk management and technical competence and the value of the money. In the event that the local community feels that the local businesses are not sufficiently investing in the community, the residents tend to conflict with the company and eventually the business will

Fog of war Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fog of war - Movie Review Example With the above in mind, the films goes on to provide lessons, as portrayed in the title, eleven lessons that can be learnt from his role as secretary of defense and as an advisor. In relation to the above, the film delves and dwells on the issues that McNamara has had to live with since his years in the government. This is concerning the consequences of his counsel to the government, which led to numerous losses in the United States and the world at large. This is as displayed by his role, in which he advised the government to participate in wars that led to enormous loss of human life and destruction of property across the globe. One such event, that he confesses to, is the Vietnam war in which numerous civilians were wiped out to the tune of over 3.4 million Vietnamese lives lost. The film also allows McNamara to confess to his erroneous judgment in waging and strategizing for war. However, the film fails to capture his admission to moral failures on his side, for which he should take responsibility. As a result, the film fails to capture the details of the embarrassing truth on his role and personal responsibility towards the two wars in which he was involved. This shows a weakness in the methods of interviewing used as McNamara appears prepared to avoid any issues likely to raise controversy on his part (Holden). In addition, the film/ documentary seem to provide a moral twist to the entire storyline by bringing out his role in the Second World War. This is done by the part where he was a strategist for world war two and was part of a team that recommended the burning of Japanese cities. In this case over two million Japanese civilians were killed, which incriminates McNamara as having participated in war crimes. His moral sentimentality towards the issue is portrayed by the comments he makes on the likelihood of his prosecutions had the Japanese or Vietname se won the wars. In addition to morality, one of

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analysis the Fidelity Investment case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis the Fidelity Investment case - Essay Example as 74% of fidelity’s employees felt more connected to their colleagues after teaching an apprenticeship and 95% reported improved team building traits. Eric Schwarz was interested on the shocking large drop outs of the disadvantaged students. Nearly 1.2 million students dropped out of high school every year. It was discovered that the middle school years were very critical in determining of whether the students would end-up graduating from high school. He thus sorts to establish a lasting solution through partnership with Fidelity Investment Company. This case therefore sorts to provide solutions to the middle level disadvantaged student. This was done through controlling the high rates of school drop-outs to successfully graduate and their after advance to college while at the same time fully participate in the civic and economic life of their communities. The success of a business is generally determined by its location, this is very essential for the investment. Locating a business within communities with vibrant arts organization and a rich cultural life is of great significance to the business. This is because the communities will greatly invest and the business will reap the benefits of economic growth, jobs and the quality of life in these communities. The benefits that a business receives from the community are as a resort of business contribution and giving back to the community. Businesses therefore should support to the art and school programs in the community just like the Fidelity Investment. The business planner make crucial decisions concerning the support community projects and by how much, these decisions are driven by; the community expectations, conflict reduction, risk management and technical competence and the value of the money. In the event that the local community feels that the local businesses are not sufficiently investing in the community, the residents tend to conflict with the company and eventually the business will

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Financial implications of disaster management Case Study

Financial implications of disaster management - Case Study Example This paper discusses all the financial aspects of disaster management in the context of organizational settings. Donor Fatigue – with the global economy still in the doldrums and recovery mostly uncertain, major donor countries are now often reluctant to give bigger amounts although the said countries pledge much larger donations but come up short with the actual monies. Series of successive natural calamities had likewise depleted the financial resources of most donors and there is a feeling of fatigue among them, of constantly sending aid with little results. The governmental aid sent by developed countries are now often supplemented by private donors. Non-governmental organizations which are mostly private initiatives must now realize that a fountain of goodwill is not unlimited and must therefore spend their financial resources well. When the next disaster strikes, there might not be enough money for an adequate response. A consequence of donor fatigue is worsening of the situation and drop in funding due to apathy. Politics – humanitarian assistance is the usual international response whenever there is a natural calamity or a man-made disaster (such as regional conflicts and genocidal wars).

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Infallibility of the Bible: Astronomical Errors

The Infallibility of the Bible: Astronomical Errors 03/12/2017 There is overwhelming support for inerrancy from history. The idea that the Bible can contain errors is a relatively new belief. Author and scholar Harold Lindsell stated, Apart from a few exceptions, the church through the ages has consistently believed that the entire Bible is the inerrant or infallible Word of God[1]. You need a transition here The presence of observable and falsifiable[J1] scientific evidence is perhaps the most compelling reason for the conclusion that the Bible is not free from error. Because this evidenc[J2]e clearly yields certain conclusions that are contradicted by direct statements from biblical authors, we can safely say that the Bible is an imperfect book containing flaws of [J3]human origins. Due to the overwhelming amount of scientific errors the book possesses, you [J4]should have great comfort in deciding that there was no divine inspiration or intervention in creation. Furthermore, the vast categories of errors contained in the Bible demonstrate that the mistakes are not confined to a single author or field of study, a realization that should question the foundation and intent of the book as a whole. This paper will focus considerably on the first chapter of Genesis, astronomy, and biology because each of these topics unmistakably contributes to the faux pas of apologetics. THE BEGINNING: Anyone with a decent background in natural science who undertakes an impartial but critical look at the first chapter of Genesis should have no trouble denouncing its claims as a complete lie. At best, the author has offered a poorly constructed allegory for the creation of the universe; at worst, and far more plausible, Genesis 1 is a total fabrication. This section will of course demonstrate why the creation account in the opening chapter fails miserably to be scientifically accurate.[2] Early in the creation, God allegedly separated the waters into two distinct bodies so that land could appear between them. He called the water below seas and the water above sky, which he presumably held aloft by the use of a firmament (Verses 6-10). While the NIV translated this verse using expansion, the Hebrew word utilized by the author is rakia, which the KJV more accurately translated as a solid body.3 Why is the KJV translation more in line with the authors intent? First, its the primary use of the word. Second, it reinforces the aforementioned idea of a sky ocean because a solid protective layer would be required to suspend the water if there truly were an ocean above us as the Bible suggests. Third, it complements the known widespread primitive beliefs. Take the mindset of an ancient Hebrew for a moment by ignoring any contemporary understanding you have of the world. You can glance at the sky above and observe that its the color of water, while, periodically, water falls from above. With no further evidence to consider and no further understanding of this phenomenon, the perfectly logical conclusion would be that theres a mass of water in the sky. If this is true, it certainly follows that a solid body, a firmament, would be necessary to contain this oceanic reservoir. Perhaps windows even open in the firmament to allow rainfall (Genesis 8:2). Although the pursuit of knowledge has proven these outdated beliefs untrue, we are far richer in scientific understanding than our Hebrew predecessors and should not scoff at the author for his proposal. We now know that the sky is blue due to the scattering of a particular wavelength of light passing through the atmosphere at a certain angle, not because theres an ocean in the sky. While we cannot fault the author for believing this ancient hypothesis, we can conclude that his guess on the properties of the sky was incorrect. Already, a critical analysis has demonstrated the Bible to be scientifically inaccurate and undeniably imperfect. God allegedly created the sun and moon on the fourth day of the creation (14-19), but this curious statement creates a plethora of troubles because God had already divided the day into lightness and darkness as his first creation (3-5). How can there be night and day without the sun, the only appreciable source of light for our planet? Again, we must take the probable mindset of the author to understand his position. Look into the sky away from the sun. Its unreasonable to conclude that the earth is bright at its distal boundaries just because the sun is shining, unless you have solid evidence to the contrary, because the light originating from this enormous ball of fire appears to stop very near its edges[3]. Besides, everyone knows that the horizon is luminous well before and well after the sun is in the visible regions of the sky. Thus, theres no solid reason to conclude that the sun has anything to do with creating the illumination, only that it accompanies the somewhat concurren t periods of lightness. In fact, the Bible explicitly states that the sun and moon are merely symbols to divide the day from the night (14). In the biblical world, however, God controlled morning and evening by this mysterious force called light (3-5), an entirely different entity created much earlier than the sun. We now know that the sun is the determining factor between morning and evening, yet the Bible clearly proclaims morning and evening existed prior to the suns creation. In addition to the sun gaffe, the scientifically ignorant author commits the mistake of listing the moon as a light (16). If we were to be rigidly technical about the Bibles claim, this verse is another scientifically erroneous notion because the moon merely reflects illumination from the sun. Isaiah and Ezekiel also make this mistake in their prophecy accounts (30:26 and 32:7, respectively). Again, we often take our modern knowledge about the universe for granted, yet such a gift was completely unforeseeable to the ancient Hebrew. Another problem arises from the sun not appearing until the fourth day when you consider that plants suddenly appeared on the third day (11-13). While its definitely possible, even very likely, for plants to survive without the sun for a single day, many apologists have attempted to rectify the obvious timeline problems in Genesis by altering the meaning of a day. Once they consummate this amendment, theyve created a timeline in which the plants exist without sunlight for however long these days are to them. In most cases, a biblical day must necessarily be no less than a period of millions of years in order to be congruent with scientific data. While the general Hebrew term for day, yom, doesnt necessarily mean a twenty-four hour day, we still understand it to be a short time period based on every contemporaneous instance of its use. Millennia simply do not qualify using this unbiased criterion. Furthermore, the author provides us with the precise definition of yom in every creation instance: morning and evening. Naturally, well revisit these creationary intervals in the upcoming Thousands Or Billions. For now, lets return to the problem of the plants thriving without the suns existence. Most vegetation requires sunlight to undergo photosynthesis, the process of using light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into nutrients. I wouldnt bet on plant survival much more than a month without the sun. While its true that the biblical creation has this mysterious light existing prior to the arrival of plants, the only thing we can conclude about its existence is the probable lack thereof. The sun, on the other hand, is fully compatible with plant life. Once again, this obtuse blunder can be justified by the limitations of the ancient Hebrews knowledge because he obviously wasnt aware that plants were feeding off sunlight for their survival. As one final minor point on plants for now, God says he has given us every plant for food (29). However, were now aware of plants with qualities poisonous enough that make us avoid physical contact with them. Such disturbingly reckless advice hardly seems to be the kind likely given out by an omniscient deity. God allegedly created the stars on the fourth day (16), but what were they, and what was their purpose? Biblical authors believed that stars were small sources of light contained within the imaginary firmament covering the earth. In other words, they exhibited no divine inspiration, whatsoever, telling them that stars were actually unfathomably enormous gaseous spheres seemingly countless miles away. In short, the authors celestial hypothesis was incorrect on location, number, and size.[4] Verification for the location part of this position is quite easy to demonstrate. After God made the sun, moon, and stars, he set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth 6(17). So along with the sun and moon, the stars are apparently housed in this imaginary physical boundary separating the sky ocean from the open air above earths inhabitants. The Bible also remarkably claims the outdated belief that stars were extremely small in size. After the disclosure of their location in the firmament, and after God tells Abraham several times that his people would be as numerous as the stars (which is also impossible, yet its claimed to have been fulfilled in Hebrews 11:12), the next clear reference to size and position of these celestial bodies is found in the book of Isaiah. Here, the prophet speaks of exalting a throne above the stars of God (14:13). Likewise, Job says, behold the height of the stars, how high they are (22:12). Stars are not high; they are distant. One would expect these two divinely inspired individuals to make this distinction in their records; instead, they boldly demonstrate that they shared the popular yet erroneous belief that God fixed the stars at the skys apex. The book of Psalms states that God tells the number of stars and calls them all by their names (147:4). Thats quite an impressive accomplishment considering scientists estimate that there could be as many as 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in the known universe. If God truly told anyone how many stars surrounded our planet, the ridiculous firmament belief should have ceased without delay.[5] Daniel speaks of a vision that he had concerning a giant goats horn knocking the stars down to the ground where the goat stamped upon them (Daniel 8:8-9). Passing comment on the vision, we can also be decidedly certain that Daniel believed stars were tiny lights hanging above the earth. Otherwise, how could his monstrous goat stamp upon them? More importantly, how could someone divinely inspired write something so blatantly preposterous? In the New Testament, Matthew and Mark both record Jesus foretelling of an era when the stars shall fall from heaven (24:29 and 13:25, respectively). Jesus, a supposedly perfect human being who was supposedly the only son of a supposedly perfect god, wasnt immune to scientific ignorance either. Revelation was the grandiose vision of John, yet another man who God allegedly inspired, but John also thought that stars were bright objects of insignificant size directly above the earth. In this record of his dream-like hallucination, he claims to see Jesus holding seven stars in his right hand (1:16). While John may have seen what looked like seven stars in Jesus hand, this is not what the text clearly states. The passage unambiguously says Jesus was holding seven stars in his hand. Thus, Johns statement is certainly in error. In addition, John mentions a dream in which the stars of heaven fell unto the earth and compares this event to a fig tree shaking off its leaves (6:13). Furthermore, he describes a great star falling into the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of the waters (8:10). If a star were to fall to our planet as John indicates, it would annihilate the earth upon impact because these bodies are generally hundreds of times larger than our world. Finally , John sees a dragon swing its tail around, consequently knocking a third of the stars in the sky down to the ground (12:4). Theres no need to discuss how enormous such a hypothetical tail would have to be in order to accomplish this impossibility. After all, Revelation was only a vision. On the other hand, we must expect Christians to accept that this man had a unique foreknowledge of humankinds imminent future. In other words, these ridiculously fantastical events must remain futuristic certainties to biblical apologists. At this point, we can safely say that anyone attempting to harmonize the scientifically determined position, size, and number of our celestial neighbors with a literal interpretation of the Bible is veraciously wasting his time. Another embarrassing tale of biblical nonsense is the construction of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. According to the bogus legend, everyone on earth spoke the same language when the erection of the tower began. Because the people of earth had a great desire to catch a glimpse of God, they built this supposed tower intending to breach the sky. As God didnt like the possibility of people spotting him, he confused their languages to prevent the architects from understanding one another. Unable to continue construction, everyone with different languages went separate ways. This story is unfeasible for many reasons.[6] The first problem with the incredulous account is the incongruency of the common language theme. We know that many different languages existed centuries before the storys setting around 2500-2000 BCE. Not only that, but another Pentateuch author had said Noahs sons separated according to their own tongues in the previous chapter (Genesis 10). At the very least, we have a major timeline discrepancy in need of an acceptable resolution. Furthermore, the notion that nineteenth century man had the architectural knowledge to build a tower even a mile high is ridiculous. To fathom that a group of ignorant ancient Hebrews could make an equivalent accomplishment is ludicrous. Interestingly, no divine inspiration is available as a possible excuse for the illogical story because God wasnt siding with his people on this occasion! If he didnt wish for the people to see him, he wouldnt have provided the means for them to do so. Of course, the most obvious blunder is Gods supposed fear of us actually reaching him in the sky. To suggest that an omniscient god would destroy a building because he felt he was in danger of humans catching a glimpse of him is an equally ludicrous proposal. The aspects of this story once again go back to the ancient Hebrew belief that God eternally resided on top of a dome covering the earth. Since an omniscient deity would know that the people could not possibly reach him, he would not have stopped the towers construction for the specific reason provided by the Bible. The story cries of a myth.[7] We also have fanciful tales about giants roaming the earth during the Pentateuch era. Theres a lot of room for interpretation here because the exact nature of these mysterious giants is unknown. However, we understand that the Bible has them living both before and after the flood (Genesis 6:4 and Numbers 13:33). Some Christians have argued these giants are the dinosaurs, but this proposed explanation fails to be consistent with the flood caused the dinosaur extinction hypothesis offered by others in the same crowd. While the text is most likely referring to a race of people, archaeologists have found no reliable evidence that these creatures existed. Given the track record of the Bible thus far, its reasonable to conclude that the Genesis giants are, at best, an exaggeration of an otherwise normal species of life. Jesus also commits another scientific blunder when he declares the mustard seed to be the smallest seed of the earth (Mark 4:31). There are, in fact, many seeds smaller than the mustard, such as the South American orchid, but the Hebrews were obviously ignorant of most everything outside of their homeland. Had God presented this bit of information to the author of Mark, it seems unfeasible that the writer would portray Jesus as a man so careless with his diction. This example is clearly another biblical error on the growing accumulation that arises from the same limitation of divinely uninspired perspective. The suggestion that the Bible is lacking a scientific foundation is nothing less than a colossal understatement. The Bible has failed fair, impartial, and universally applicable tests in multiple fields of science. If God truly is the inspiration behind this purportedly divine declaration to the world, he shows absolutely no interest in its understandability or accuracy in astronomy, cosmology, zoology, botany, anthropology, geology, ecology, geography, physiology, and several other disciplines not covered in this chapter. In fact, the Bible handicaps those who use their God-given talents of reason and logic to settle blatant biblical problems. Nothing can be more detrimental to the authenticity of a statement than contradictory phenomena that we readily observe and experience. With no other evidence to consider, these natural manifestations should always override what we might hope and think to be correct explanations for unignorable discrepancies. Such is the power of science and r eason. They are the impartial pursuit of an answer to a question, not the search for supplements to a predetermined answer. These are just a few examples of how it is useless and counterproductive even for fundamentalists to try to extract concepts from the Bible that they do not have as well as try to argue that they possess any technical and scientific knowledge beyond their time. The Bible is a religious, spiritual, moral and mythological book, and as such is subordinate to the world view of its time and place. It is perfectly possible for Christians to be at peace with their religion and their holy book even though they are aware of their primitive conceptions of the Universe and the World, even as Frei Betto would say in his text The Bible in 12 Steps: Just as no one fails to take a remedy because there is an error of agreement in the bull, Jews and Christians do not care if they find a historical misconception in the biblical texts, and in their eyes they are, rather, religious texts. There are notions of science or history and they know that the biblical authors did not intend to reach methodological and scientific precision.We interweaved religious, historical and scientific references according to the knowledge of the time.While the quality of the wiring, the electronic conduits, the post or the lamp , For who seeks light to see better? FREI BETTO The Bible in 12 Steps That is, a fable does not have its essential content invalidated by the fact of describing fantastic things, like Talking Foxes. In the same way, a myth should not be devalued by its physically absurd elements. If I do not believe in the divine inspiration of the Bible, it is rather by many other factors, such as those quoted in Is the Divinely Inspired Bible ?, yet it does not invalidate its cultural value. The biblical apologists are even lucky that, thanks to the early Catholic Church, only the 3 synoptic gospels and the gospel of John were considered canonical. What in themselves already present myriads of errors conception about nature. Otherwise, it might be utterly impossible not to see Biblical Geocentrism, which although present is not so explicit. In Hebrews 11, the apostle Paul refers to the translation of Enoch, the father of Methuselah, which is not described in the Old Testament, only vaguely suggested in Genesis 5:22. Pauls knowledge certainly came also from other gospels, such as the apocryphon Enochs Book of Secrets, which tells the story mentioned by Paul, which makes this book a little more trustworthy than the other apocryphal even Because it is most probably from him that Paul also removed the mention of the angelic hierarchy of Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers, as quoted in Colossians [1:17], and in other excerpts from his New Testament epistles. Well, this book, written at the same time as the other Gospels by some scholar who knew Aristotelian Geocentrism, explicitly describes the mechanisms used by angels to move the Sun around the Earth, in addition to the other celestial spheres Of the trio Copernicus, Galileo, and Kepler, were accepted by most scholars, and yet were far more advanced than the primitive idea of a Flat Earth lost in an Abyss. Probably the incompatibility of Hellenistic geocentrism, which already knew the sphericity of the Earth, with the much more primitive concepts of the Bible, was one of the factors for the disqualification of the apocryphal book of Enoch. It is certainly lucky. For fundamentalists already have a tremendous work to hide and omit blatant biblical naivety about the reality of nature, and to distort and decontextualize verses. Turning the affirmation of the apologists: Many errors were indeed stated, but conservative biblical scholars have always been able to find solutions to these problems. Perhaps they have forgotten to say that these solutions only satisfy even the counselors who have solved their rationality within Religious Fanaticism. [1] Zondervan, (The Battle for the Bible, 1978) [2] Long, Jason (Biblical Nonsense, 2015) 3 Ibid [3] William Henry Burr (Self-Contradictions of the Bible, 2016) [4] C. Dennis Mckinsey (The Encyclopedia of Biblical Errancy, 1995) 6 Ibid [5] Long, Jason (Biblical Nonsense, 2015) [6] Bart D. Ehrman (Gods Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important QuestionWhy We Suffer, 2009) [7] Bart D. Ehrman (Gods Problem: How the Bible Fails to Answer Our Most Important QuestionWhy We Suffer, 2009) [J1]Word is not used in the right context. [J2]Which evidence? [J3]about [J4]one

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Software And High School :: essays research papers

Software And High School The beginning of the 1990's is marked by the era of computers. Everywhere we look ,we see computers. They have become an essential part of our every day life. If the world's computer systems were turned off even for a short amount of time, unimaginable disasters would occur. We can surely say that today's world is heading into the future with the tremendous influence of computers. These machines are very important players in the game, the key to the success however is proper software (computer programs). It is the software that enables computers to perform a certain tasks. Educational systems in developed countries realize the importance of computers in the future world and therefore, emphasize their use in schools and secondary institutions. The proper choice of software is very important especially for beginners. Their first encounter with the computer should be exiting and fun. It should stimulate their interest in the computing field. First and foremost is the fact that computer software is a very important educational tool. Students in high schools experience computers for the first time through games and other entertaining software. These help develop youth's mental pathway in the way of logic, reflexes and the ability to make quick and concrete decisions [Lipcomb, 66]. The next step requires them to think more seriously about the machines. Secondary students learn the first steps in computer programming by creating simple programs. Here, the assistance of useful software is necessary. The computer software has many applications in the real world and is found virtually everywhere. The new generation of very fast computers introduces us to a new type of software. Multimedia is a of computer program that not only delivers written data for the user, but also provides visual support of the topic. By exploring the influence of multimedia upon high school students. I have concluded that the usage of multimedia have significantly increased students' interest in particular topics(supported by the multimedia). In order get these positive results, every child has to have a chance to use the technology on a daily basis [jacsuz@]. Mathematics is one of the scientific fields that has employed the full potential of computer power complicated problem solving. By using the computer, students learn to solve difficult problems even before they acquire tough mathematical vocabulary. The Geometer's Sketch pad, a kind of math software, is used in many Canadian high schools as a powerful math tutor. Students can pull and manipulate geometric figures and at the same time give them specific attributes. The next best feature of the software is a drawing document. It allows for easy drawing of perfect ellipses, rectangles and lines.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Superdads :: essays research papers

Superdads A long time ago, way back in the 1950's, there was a cold, icy creature known as the "fifties father." He rarely displayed affection, and he hid most of his feelings behind the newspaper. Most of the child-rearing duties were left to mom. We can kiss those days good-bye! In Western cultures there is an increasing number of men who are extremely active in all stages of raising their children. The old "fifties father" is now becoming the "nineties nanny." These modern "superdads", as we call them, have to manage the tough job of raising children and supporting them financially. Men have to fo this without the help of a previous role model in a past generation to model themselves after. Not having a role model makes being a superdad tougher than being a single mom. It leads to the creation of a "superdad syndrome." Superdad syndrome stems from the fact that boys growing up have very little practice at homemaking. Boys who play with dolls are considered weirdos while girls who play with dolls and participate in sports are trained for anything. Men can do a great job raising their children and providing basic needs, support, and love, but a man can never be a mother. A good example of this is Joel Chaken from New York City. He quit his job as an engineer to stay at home with his baby. His wife was an attorney. After a while he felt isolated at home all the time, and ne wanted to join a support group for new mothers who felt the same way. He was kicked out because he was not a mom, he was a superdad. Men need support groups of their own, for fathers. Even though there is an increasing number of dads taking care of their children, the court system rarely gives full custody to fathers. When superdads get custody of their children, they find it very rewarding to get closer to their kids. They also feel a sense of nobility. Many people look at single fathers with greater respect than single mothers. Fathers are seen as "superheroes." One such superhero dad is Rudy Szabo of Cleveland, Ohio. When his wife left, he quit his job as supervisor ar BEK Industries to stay at home

Friday, October 11, 2019

“What is ‘Superblood” Analysis

The article â€Å"What is ‘Superblood' and Why Do I Want It?†, written by Kyree Leary, explains a great potential medical advancement. A biotech startup company, Rubius Therapeutics, wants to use red blood cells to replace missing enzymes in patients with rare diseases or conditions along with patients with autoimmune disorders in order to treat them. These diseases include Type 1 diabetes and even cancer. The technique Rubius Therapeutics plans on using is equipping red blood cells with a protein that can be tailored to treat the condition of the patient it is being infused into. Then, the company plans on putting these blood cells into the body, but overall, it will account for less than 1 percent of the patient's total blood volume. This idea is similar to the idea of using modified T-cells to fight cancer; however, red blood cell therapies do not need to be personalized. For T-cell therapy, the cells must be taken from the patient and put back into the same patient to avoid rejection by the immune system, whereas for the red blood cell treatment, only the use of any person's O negative blood can be effective, for it is a universal donor. In fact, one donor could generate enough therapeutic doses to treat hundreds of thousands of different patients. The company has not released any products yet, but they have raised $220 million in funding which is going to go towards the development of products along with clinical trials necessary for ensuring their safety. This article certainly grabbed my attention when I saw it while scrolling through articles. I have done a lot of work with blood and enzymes in PBS and Biology, so I was intrigued to see what this new â€Å"Superblood† was. Having learned about blood and the topic of the article already, I understood the methods the company plans on using, which made the article and story even more interesting. I found it fascinating that something as simple as placing missing enzymes back into someone's body can possibly have the ability to treat a condition as serious as cancer. In addition, it astonishes me how individuals and companies can think of innovative things like this that could have such an impact on people and the field of medicine. The health of millions is compromised by cancer and autoimmune disease, which this procedure targets. If Rubius Therapeutics can successfully use this red blood cell therapy as a treatment for cancer or even Type 1 diabetes, our world will be a better place, and the healthcare field would be drastically altered. This could diminish the need for insulin injections or pumps if done properly along with other standard treatments. Although this idea may not be able to actually cure cancer, it definitely could and probably will lead to other scientists and/or physicians getting inspired and developing innovations that could bring humanity closer to a cure for the deadly disease. Overall, this â€Å"Superblood† can certainly lead to advancements in the medical field which would make our population a healthier group of people.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Role of Stakeholder

Role of Stakeholder Jane C. Doe MGT/420 December 10, 2012 George Wells Role of Stakeholder The role of stakeholder in implementing a quality management process is one that has many facets. When an organization decides to embark upon a quality management process there are many people, internally and externally, dependent upon or affected in some way by the final product, output or process (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012). In order to decide who the stakeholders will be in the process, management of the stakeholder process is essential.First, it is important to identify all those required to ensure the success of creating an efficient process; those involved are either inside or outside of the organization (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012). Second, an analysis to ascertain what the stakeholder’s needs, boundaries, expectations, locus of control within the process, and mutual relationships will be is necessary to make sure everyone involved understands his or her rol e (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012).A third and also important step is the process of engaging all stakeholders early on in the project. Stakeholders must have the ability to engage with the leaders of the quality management process to familiarize everyone with each other and understand each person’s role within the process. When working conceptually with quality management, the three spheres of quality known as quality management, quality control, and quality assurance each have their own role but also overlap (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,   2007).In each of the spheres mentioned herein, stakeholders play various roles. In order for an organization to achieve, maintain, and improve the quality of its offerings, companies use quality control and quality assurance processes and procedures (â€Å"Tutorialspoint†,  2012). Organizations will define their internal quality standards, procedures, and processes as well as develop stakehold ers who will be required to adhere to those standards when dealing with quality control. Stakeholders will monitor process apability and stability, measure process performance, develop and maintain control charts and more (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,  2007). In terms of quality assurance, stakeholders are required to put forth a continuous effort to improve the quality practices within the organization. According to  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Tutorialspoint†Ã‚  (2012),  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Continuous improvements are expected in quality functions in the company. For this, there is a dedicated quality assurance team commissioned†Ã‚  (Quality Control & Quality Assurance).The stakeholders of a quality assurance team are dedicated to and responsible for defining a process for achieving and improving quality; they are responsible for process improvement (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,  2007). â€Å"The management processes that overarch and tie together the control and assurance activities make up quality management† (Foster, 2007, Chapter 1, Differing Perspectives on Quality). According to Foster  (2007),  the mixed view of quality management up holds the notion that quality is the responsibility of all management, not just quality managers (Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality).So in the case of implementing a quality management process, managers, supervisors, and employees are all stakeholder of varying degrees in implementing quality management activities such as planning, creating the quality culture, providing leadership and support, providing training and employee recognition, and facilitating organizational communication (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,   2007). Two companies that utilized world-class quality control plans are General Electric (GE) and Federal Express (FedEx). To keep GE ahead, managers have devised an array of corporate strategies. They put exceptio nally heavy reliance on the quality control program that far outstrips run-of-the-mill efforts†Ã‚  (Foster, 2007, Chapter 1, Differing Perspectives on Quality). FedEx utilizes the value-added perspective on quality (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality, 2007). â€Å"To reach its aggressive quality goals, the company has set up one cross-functional team for each service component of the SQI† (Foster, 2007, Chapter 1, Differing Perspectives on Quality).The SQI is a 12-component index that FedEx uses that comprehensively describes how its performance is viewed by its customers. Each item in the service quality indicator is weighted to reflect how pointedly it affects overall customer service (Foster, Chapter  1, Differing Perspectives on Quality,  2007). References Foster, S. T. (2007). Managing quality. Integrating the supply chain (3rd ed. ). Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/content/eBookLibrary2/content/eReader. aspx#gloss01_357. Tutor ialsPoint. (2012). Retrieved from http://www. tutorialspoint. com/management_concepts/stakeholder_management. htm

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Printing Press Consequences

The Consequences of a Forgotten Invention There have been people who have influenced every person in the world yet a seldom few know their contributions let alone their names. Of these people was a man named Johannes Gutenberg; the man who invented the printing press. The printing press is one of those inventions that most people take for granted and do not realize their importance. Without the press we would still be handwriting every single copy of any book every written and so the question is what were the main consequences of the printing press? That is, what happened as a result of the invention of the printing press?The answer is that it marked the transition from script to printing and it allowed the mass production of information, which in turn allowed ideas to spread quicker. The ability to have a mass production of information has transformed almost all aspects life and all fields of study. Two of these topics include religion and geography and exploration. This essay will first explain the importance of the transition from script to printing and then will go on to explain the impact the press had on literature and geography and exploration in order to elaborate on the latter consequence listed above.Perhaps the absolutely most important thing about the invention of the printing press is that it marked the transition from script to printing. As seen in Document A, whilst comparing the two images, the effect of Gutenberg’s invention is very clear. In the top visual, which shows the dictation method, it can be seen that the process is very lengthy and tiring. Also, only a few books are visible. Whereas, in the bottom visual, which shows the printing method, there are many papers in sight and the process seems to be a lot less time-consuming.From this it can be concluded that printing is a lot more efficient method of producing books and no longer required laborious hours of writing manuscripts. This conclusion can be supported by the next documen t: Document B. By looking at the maps it becomes apparent that the people back then also had similar opinions about the printing press as, with-in thirty years, the number of printing presses in Europe more than quintupled. In 1471, there were about a dozen presses but by the end of the century, there were upwards of 65 in the continent. However, Document C represents a contradicting opinion.This source claims that people still liked hand-written documents over those that were printed. This was bound to happen because, even like today, hand-made items are always considered more precious but the more practical solution will always prevail, which, in this case, was the printing press. In the subsequent paragraphs, the consequences of this transition on various aspects of life will be explained. ‘Gutenberg’s invention probably contributed more to destroying Christian concord and inflaming religious warfare than any of the so-called arts of war ever did. These twenty-four w ords written by Elizabeth Eisenstein in her book, ‘Printing Revolution in Early Modern Europe,’ (Document E) perfectly describe the consequence of the printing press on religion. Around the same time as the birth of the printing press, a desire for reformation in the Church was also arising amongst the people. According to history, Martin Luther lit the fire of desire by posting his 95 Theses on a Church door. However, what is not being taken into account is that Luther’s ideas spread quickly solely because of the printing press, as John Man explains in Document D.Had his ideas not spread all over Europe with-in a month, reform would have come much later or perhaps never. Similar to Luther’s 95 Theses, the Polyglot Bible, which allowed ordinary people to understand the Bible as it was written in nine different languages, would not have spread around Europe so rapidly if it were not for the press. Both, the Polyglot Bible (Document G) and Luther’s 95 Theses (Document D), fueled the Protestant reform but would not have even close to as big of an impact if it were not for the printing press.The map in Document F verifies this statement because it shows how quickly Protestant ideas spread around Europe. In merely 60 years, Europe went from being completely Catholic to roughly half Protestant and half Catholic. This in itself further emphasizes how mass production of information allows ideas to be spread faster and therefore demonstrates the one of the consequences of the printing press. Along with the religious turmoil came times of great exploration. Partially credited to Renaissance ideals, Europeans began to explore the world. Perhaps the most famous explorer of all is Christopher Columbus.In 1492, he did indeed sail the ocean blue to discover the Americas. After Columbus, came other great sailors from various other European nations who explored other parts of the world. Believe it or not, the printing press served a great purp ose in exploration too. Columbus sent a letter to the King of Spain, which talked about the New World. According to Document H, this letter was translated and published over and over again and with-in a year it reached places as far as Antwerp. In the succeeding years Europeans embarked upon a great number of voyages.This indicates that Columbus’ letter was likely to have sparked curiosity or even jealously into the hearts of other Europeans and so they to began to explore the world. There was an obvious correlation between exploration and maps. As seen in Document I, the more people that explored, the more accurate the maps were became. The relationship goes the other way too. The more accurate the maps were, the better the explorer can judge where they were, which then allowed them to have a better sense of direction. The printing press played a huge role in the publication of maps.With the press, maps now looked the same, unlike before when they were drawn by hand, which a llowed for inconsistencies amongst copies of the same work. Once again, this highlights both consequences stated above: the press allowed the mass production of information and marked the transition script to printing. In conclusion, it can be clearly seen that the printing press revolutionized the world on a countless number of levels. It transformed the way people communicated and the way information was dispersed. The transition from script to print was huge because the press was far more efficient for publishing any kind of information.As a result, there could now be a mass production of information. It was made obvious, through the examples given, how mass production fueled the Protestant Reformation and perhaps even sparked the age of exploration. Taking all this information into account there is no doubt that the consequences of the printing press were that it marked the transition from script to printing and it allowed the mass production of information, which in turn allowe d ideas and information to spread over a large distance in a short period of time.